mercredi 25 août 2010

Mattel : MOTUC & Ghostbusters : programmes des sorties !

* Ghostbusters™ 6" Egon Spengler™ with PKE Meter™, stack of books
* Masters of the Universe Classics Chief Carnivus™ (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
* Masters of the Universe Classics Gygor™

* Masters of the Universe Classics Roboto® (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
* Masters of the Universe Classics Zodac®

* DCU JLU Parademon™ 2-Pack
* Ghostbusters™ 6" Peter Venkman™ with Ghostbusters™ Logo Base
* Masters of the Universe Classics Grizzlor (Club Eternia™ monthly figure)
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Grayskull™ (with Orb)
* Masters of the Universe® Classics Weapons Pak Great Wars Assortment